Global Career Development for Innovative Minds Initiative and Cross-cultural Understanding
This class will benefit to students who would like to develop their career in the global business market. In addition to offer the knowledge-sharing and analytical-skill learning, the class will focus on the active learning of working together with various Japanese youth and experts.
The uniqueness of the class is to provide critical thinking to participants who will be able to develop and create their innovative ideas and solutions that are link to the global labor market and job opportunities related to SDG goals.
Addressed to
Anyone who would like to develop their career in the global business market will be the best fit to the class. In addition, it is highly expected that the participants have; strong committment to improve the quality of life of the society, strong passion to develop innivative ideas and solutions, leadership to orchestrate effectively for the group studeies and activities, and flexibility of understanding different culture and background.
High level of English proficiency is required for various discussions and studies with Japanese and foreign participants. Some working experience and studying abroad are a plus but not mandatory.
This course offers training in business skills, cross cultural learning, career building and organizational development.
The curriculum teaches personal and career development, entrepreneurial business growth, and using a cross cultural lens for entrepreneurship with courses based on five themes: Design Thinking, Social Entrepreneurship, Team Building, Cross-Cultural Learning, and Business Development.
Cross-cultural development is fostered through classroom dialogue, international relationship building and possible study tours of Japan and Colombia in the year of 2022/2023.
A combination of lecture, group work and invitation of professionals and businessmen who are active in various fields are planned.
During the course, students will have an opportunity to learn the following social and economic issues in Japan; to conduct active learning by analyzing problems and exploring possible solutions through group work and presentations.
- Improvement of aging society through creation of healthy lives and promote well-being for all people.
- Revitalization of sustainable rural economic growth.
- Development of diversified society.
Session # 1
Overview of Aging Society: Historical trend and future outlook.
Group Work 1: Review and comparison of global aging issues.
Session # 2
Impact of Aging Issues: Presentation of impact to the conomy and business development.
Group Work 2: Ananysis of Pros and Cons of Aging Society.
Session # 3
Presentation of Aging Society in Japan part1: Overview of declining birth-rate.
Group Work 3: Analysis of declining birth-rate and preparation of innovative solutions to youth.
Session # 4
Presentation of Aging Society in Japan part2: Overview of Japan's rapidly aging society.
Group Work 4: Analysis of aging issues and preparation of innovative solutions to senior people.
Session #5
Overview of declining rural economy in Japan with the introduction of Japan`s technical intern training system.
Group Work 5: Case study about adverse impact of business sectors and preparation of recommendation for future business growth.
Session #6
Presentation of lost business in the area of tourism, manufacturing, and agrobusiness.
Group Work 6: Analysis of background and cause. Preparation of innovative ideas and solutions.
Session #7
Overview of diversifity in Japan – Issues and Future Outlook.
Group Work 7: Discussion of challenges and recommendation of healthy social life.
Session #8
Introduction of case about the coexistence society of Japanese and foreigners in Japan.
Group Work 8: Case study and preparation of innovative ideas and solutions to strengthen the diversity.
Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.
La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.