Neoliberalism and Sovereignty


Neoliberalism and Sovereignty

Facultad Derecho
Inicio / Programas / Neoliberalism and Sovereignty

Neoliberalism and Sovereignty


*If you are in Colombia $3.211.000 COP

*If you are abroad 842 USD 

For enrollment click here

Learn how to pay your payment here

Schedule: Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 a.m..

*The schedules and modality (virtual or blended) of the courses are subject to modifications according to the provisions of the National and District Government for the management of COVID 19. The dates and times of the sessions can be consulted at

The term "neoliberalism" has become omnipresent both in the press and in academic research. It is the subject of many controversies. Some deny its very existence, while others vilify it as the origin of all current problems (poverty, crime, populism, climate change etc.). We'll return to some of the theories of neoliberalism to examine them as political theories, that is, to discuss their conceptions of the state and their understanding of power. Neoliberalism will appear to be a challenge to the paradigm of sovereignty issued from the Enlightenment. We will wonder if such a paradigm is still viable or should be questioned and re-conceptualized. Readings will be drawn from: F. A. Hayek, Michel Foucault, Wendy Brown, Claude Lefort, Thomas Biebricher, Jan Werner Muller, among others.

Requirements: Have finished or being currently studying an undergraduate degree.

Language: English.

Este curso hace parte del portafolio de materias de pregrado y posgrado de la Universidad  abiertas a todo público.

Al participar en este curso podrás vivir la experiencia Uniandina, acceder a contenidos de calidad, tomar  clases con estudiantes regulares, acceder al sistema de bibliotecas de Uniandes y participar en las actividades culturales que esta Universidad te ofrece.



The course sessions will consist in seminar-like discussions of the reading material. Please read the texts in advance and prepare questions for class.


  • Reading of the “Required” Material.
  • A final 10-page paper.


Annabel Herzog

Annabel Herzog teaches political theory in the School of Political Science at the University of Haifa. In French she has published Penser autrement la politique and Hannah Arendt: Totalitarisme et banalité du mal. She's the author of Levinas’s Politics: Justice, Mercy, Universality (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020), and of many essays published in Political Theory, Theory, Culture & Society, Inquiry, Telos and others. Her research focuses on the work of 20th-century philosophers, such as Arendt, Levinas, Derrida, and Camus and on the relation between ethics and politics. Her new research focuses on the concept of sovereignty in neoliberal conditions. She reads Hayek, Brown, Foucault, and Lefort to understand phenomena such as the populist reactions against liberal democracy.


Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.

La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.
