Evaluating and designing public policy: from experiments to scale
Con créditos académicos:
*El valor del curso es de $3.167.000 si te encuentras en Colombia
*El valor del curso es de USD 856 si te encuentras en el exterior
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Sin créditos académicos:
*El valor del curso es de $1.569.000 si te encuentras en Colombia
*El valor del curso es de USD 430 si te encuentras en el exterior
Para realizar el pago ingresa aquí
Conoce como realizar tu pago aquí
Nota: Si estás interesado en inscribir un grupo de 3 o más personas, deja tus datos en el formulario y un asesor se contactará contigo.
Horario*: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes y sábado de 9:00a.m. a 12:00m.
*Los horarios y modalidad (virtual o semipresencial) de los cursos están sujetos a modificaciones de acuerdo a las disposiciones del Gobierno Nacional y Distrital para el manejo del COVID 19. Las fechas y horarios de las sesiones podrán ser consultados en mibanner.uniandes.edu.co
In this course, we will look at designs of impact evaluation, mainly of policy interventions. We will discuss the desirability of evaluations and the main conceptual problems in identifying the causal impact of policy interventions. We will discuss different econometric techniques that have been proposed in the literature to deal with these issues relating them to the economics behind the evaluation problem. In particular, we will discuss: Randomized Controlled Trials, Propensity Score Matching, Regression Discontinuity Design, Difference in Difference Methods, Instrumental Variables, Structural Models. There will be a number of applications that will illustrate the techniques discussed and some practical exercises. The focus will be on applications in Colombia and Latin America.
Requisitos: Ser profesional y haber visto los cursos Econometría 1 (y conocimiento de STATA)
Idioma: Inglés
Este curso hace parte del portafolio de materias de pregrado y posgrado de la Universidad abiertas a todo público.
Al participar en este curso podrás vivir la experiencia Uniandina, acceder a contenidos de calidad, tomar clases con estudiantes regulares, acceder al sistema de bibliotecas de Uniandes y participar en las actividades culturales que esta Universidad te ofrece.
• Learn methods for estimating causal effects using experimental and observational data• Understand the assumptions of common methods for impact evaluation
• Demonstrate a sound understanding of the advantages and limitations of policy impact evaluation methods
• Interpret and critically analyse studies applying methods of impact evaluation.
Week 1:Part 1: The experimental design for evaluating policy impacts (RCT)
i) Experimentation and the potential outcome framework
ii) Threats to selection bias and causal inference
Part 2: Alternatives to the random allocation of treatment
i) Propensity Score Matching
ii) Difference-in-Difference
iii) Regression Discontinuity Design
Week 2:
Alternatives and complements to the random allocation of treatment
iv) Instrumental Variables in Policy Evaluation
Part 3: Unpacking the “black box” of causal impact:
i) Mediation analysis
ii) Structural modelling
ii) Measurement
Part 4: From design to scaling empirical results?
What can we learn from RCTs?
Threats to scalability
The tutorials are generally hands-on lab sessions using STATA, involving small group work and discussions. In these sessions, students have an opportunity to reproduce parts of empirical papers using the method taught in the previous day’s lecture. The tutorials’ discussions focus on the interpretation of the results, and are opportunities to reflect upon the strengths and limitations of each method.
Week 1
Tutorial 1: Group discussion - analysis of an impact evaluation application, its strengths and weaknesses and familiarising with STATA commands.
Tutorial 2: Lab application on RCTs.
Tutorial 3: Lab application on cluster RCTs.
Tutorial 4: Lab application on Propensity Score Matching.
Tutorial 5: Lab application on Difference-in-Difference.
Week 2
Tutorial 6: Lab application on Regression Discontinuity Design.
Tutorial 7: Lab application on Instrumental Variables.
Tutorial 8: Lab application on mediation analysis.
Tutorial 9: Lab application on structural modelling
Tutorial 10: Formative exam and feedback
Assessment and assessment criteria:
The course is assessed by a 2 hours written examination. The exam consists of two parts. Part A includes exercises and problems where students need to show their understanding of the methods covered during the course. Part B focuses on the interpretation of results of empirical papers.
Assessment criteria:
i) Your understanding of the methodological assumptions. This means we assess your ability to evaluate key issues and evidence of critical approach to the evaluation question you are asked to address.
ii) Depth of analysis: this means we assess your ability to interpret evidence from impact evaluation studies, assess the evidence strengths and ability to make informed judgments.
Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.
La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.