Current topics of water quality in Water Dsitribution Systems. Present and Future


Current topics of water quality in Water Dsitribution Systems. Present and Future

Inicio / Programas / Current topics of water quality in Water Dsitribution Systems. Present and Future

Requisitos: Mecánica de Fluidos

Idioma: Inglés (100%)

Horario*: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves y viernes 9:00 a 12:00 y 14:00 a 17:00 y sábado 11 de junio 9:00 a 12:00

*Los horarios y modalidad (virtual o semipresencial) de los cursos están sujetos a modificaciones de acuerdo a las disposiciones del Gobierno Nacional y Distrital para el manejo del COVID-19. Las fechas y horarios de las sesiones podrán ser consultados en

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The overall objective of the course is to provide attendees with the knowledge and background necessary to perform water quality modeling within drinking water distribution systems. The course will build from a foundation associated with network hydraulics, particularly the components with greater impact on water quality modeling (e.g., consumer demands, tank dynamics). The water quality topics will begin with an overview of basic reaction mechanisms to better illustrate the detailed reaction dynamics that occur within the bulk fluid and at the pipe wall. Typical assumptions and simplifications for distribution system water quality modeling will be presented with an important emphasis on the associated benefits and limitations. More specific water quality modeling approaches will be presented and explored that include, but are not limited to: (i) conservative tracers, for assessing transport and source blending within a network; (ii) water age, for use as a water quality surrogate; and (iii) disinfectant dynamics and by-product formation. With respect to implementation and analysis, emphasis will be placed on using the EPANET modeling framework. Attention will be given to both the details of the EPANET water quality user interface, and the specific use of EPANET for water quality simulations and analysis.


Dominic Boccelli

University of Arizona

Juan Guillermo Saldarriaga

•Professor. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Hydraulic Engineering area. Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Full time. 1998-2016. •Director. Water Distribution and Sewerage Systems Research Center – CIACUA – Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Colombia. Full time. 1996-2020. •Chair. Cátedra PAVCO Chair. Research in pipeline hydraulics, water supply systems and urban drainage systems. Full time. 1994-2020. Professor Juan Saldarriaga’s research is related with urban hydraulic systems and their water quality, with emphasis on potable water distribution system and urban drainage systems. His research interests include both mathematical and physical models as well as real urban systems for large cities. It is concerned with the development of new design programs including optimization of new systems, enlargement of existing ones and enhancement of old systems’ performance with emphasis in developing countries.


Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.

La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.