Course Flipping the English Language Classroom


Course Flipping the English Language Classroom

Departamento Lenguas y Cultura
Inicio / Programas / Course Flipping the English Language Classroom

Flipping the English Language Classroom

Teaching today requires an innovator's mindset (Couros, 2014) characterised by educators who are empathetic, reflective, resilient, creative, observant, networked, risk-takers and problem finders/solvers. When classes are flipped -meaning that explanations and teacher instruction is no longer provided in the classroom, but assigned individual learning- then new learning opportunities open up for the teacher to focus and center the teaching process on students. Even though the educational world has embraced the Internet era and the myriad of technological resources for learning that appear day to day, it holds true that in many modern classrooms, teaching dynamics and pedagogy have somehow frozen in time and stayed in the past. The ever growing globalized movement demands for an active and meaningful English language learning process. With this in mind, this course will aim at exploring and applying the different pillars and principles of flipped learning, a pedagogical approach, which inevitably challenges teachers to shift their mindsets into one of growth and innovation.


Dirigido a

This course is open to new and experienced English teachers of any educational context who want to innovate their teaching practices within a student-centered approach. The expected English level is a B2, according to the Common European Framework (CEFR), since the course will presented in English as well as all the content and resources provided.

Nivel de inglés B2, según el Marco Común Europeo (MCER).


General Objective

Participants will learn what the flipped learning approach is and how to apply it in their classes according to their specific teaching context. This includes lesson planning with active learning activities, a flipped video, feedback and teacher self-reflection.

Specific Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will have:

- understood what flipped learning is and the benefits it offers teaching and learning processes

- reflected on what active learning is and types of activities

- explored tools for video creation

- created a video for a flip lesson

- planned a flipped lesson for their own teaching context

- reflected on being a professional educator and having an innovator's mindset


This course will be framed within a flipped learning approach. Therefore, participants will be expected to access core content through videos, readings, links, etc. during the week and then come to class prepared to apply, plan, discuss, socialize and reflect on the different topics learned. In other words, instruction will be accessed through an online component, and face to face sessions will focus on application.

Participants will be expected to make small presentations, socialize lesson plans, co-evaluate and reflect on their teaching practices.


The course will be divided in six sessions in which the following content will be covered:

Session 1

  • Understanding flipped learning and its 4 pillars: (Flexible environment, Learning culture, Intentional content, Professional educator)
  • Flipped learning vs in-class flip
  • What is intentional content?
  • Applying Bloom's Taxonomy

Session 2

  • What makes a good learning culture?
  • What content can you flip?
  • Flipping different skills
  • Including active learning in our planning
  • Planning an in-class flip

Session 3

  • Making flipped videos
  • Using screencasting tools to create videos
  • Tips for making good presentations
  • Socializing in-class flip lessons plans

Session 4

  • Tech-tool microteaching
  • What does a flexible environment imply?
  • Improving video lessons

Session 5

  • Tech-tool microteaching
  • (Application of in-class flip lesson with video in teaching context)
  • What does it take to be a professional educator in flipped learning?
  • Growth mindset and innovator's mindset

Session 6

  • Tech-tool microteaching
  • Sharing and networking
  • Reflecting on our flipped lessons and teaching practices
  • Reporting lesson plan application


Martha Adelaida Ramírez Rodríguez

Profesora de inglés en el Departamento de Lenguas y Cultura de la Universidad de Los Andes. Tiene una licenciatura en idiomas extranjeros de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y una maestría en educación de la Universidad de Los Andes. Es master teacher en Flipped Learning Global Community-FLGI y una de las expertas tanto en el curso de certificación Flipped Learning Level II como en el curso de certificación de Diferenciación de FLGI. Desde 2017, ha sido coordinadora de Electronic Village Online- EVO (Afiliado de TESOL) y ha moderado la sesión EVO Flipped Learning desde 2016. Es miembro del grupo de investigación de Educación para el Bilingüismo y multilingüismo de la Universidad de Los Andes donde actualmente realiza investigación en Mentalidad de Crecimiento. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen un enfoque de aprendizaje invertido, pedagogía de pronunciación y mentalidad de crecimiento en entornos educativos.


Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.

La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.