The world faces an interconnected set of crises, the prominent one being the climate emergency. Emerging economies are increasingly vulnerable to the negative externalities posed by climate change and have limited capacity to mitigate and adapt to those impacts. At the same time, these countries have urgent development aims which are necessary to boost their growth of their economies. The financial sector, therefore, plays a defining role in both mitigating the potential damages brought by a carbon-intensive global economy, as well as in finding new, innovative and catalytic approaches for adapting to a changed climate and in driving sustainable and inclusive development.
This course aims to enable graduate students to build a solid understanding of the nexus between finance and sustainability as a basis for effectively identifying, assessing and managing sustainability-related risks, impacts and opportunities. There are several investment opportunities aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable agri-business, renewable energy and green manufacturing are examples of sectors which hold growing potential to attract international and domestic climate finance. We will discuss the emerging opportunities, the nature of the business environment in select emerging markets and the inherent complexities in meeting the world’s financing needs for climate adaptation and mitigation.
Regular students at the University (students who are studying for an undergraduate or graduate degree) will not be able to register through the Educación Continua for this course. In case of registration, the Management will proceed with its return.
- Describe the planet’s social and ecological challenges and explain the main functions of the financial system
- Assess how diverse financial mechanisms e.g. green bonds, sustainability-linked loans etc. can be mobilized towards sustainable projects and initiatives.
- Develop foundational knowledge on the emerging theories, frameworks and practice of ESG and sustainable finance and investments.
- Describe the emerging business opportunities in emerging economies including an overview of the ESG and the impact investing landscape.
The course will utilize a blended learning approach for delivery. Online resources such as case studies, simulations, videos, blogs, book chapters, etc. will be provided on a moodle platform to enhance student participation and learning. The in-person class sessions will combine lectures, group tasks and open discussions to enhance student experiences.
Evaluation system
Main Exam 60%
The main exam will be a close-ended exam with four questions. The first question will incorporate a case study and is mandatory. Students will then be required to choose two more questions from the remaining three. The allocated time for the exam is 2.5 hours. The suggested date for the exam is 15th July 2024.
Oral Test/Assignment 10%
During the course, students will work on various in-class activities that require them to make presentations on select group tasks. These presentations will be assessed and graded.
Group Project 30%
At the start of the course, one main group assignment will be provided that will require students to work in teams over the two weeks. A final oral presentation will be made on the last day of the course which will contribute to 10% of the grade. The remaining 20% will be derived from a written report which will also be submitted on the last day of the course.
Class 1:
The Sustainability Challenge
Class 2:
Sustainable Business Models: Focus on Shared Value Creation
Class 3:
The Role of the Financial System: Purpose and Structure of Sustainable Finance
Class 4:
Sustainable Banking
Class 5:
Circular Economy Finance
Class 6:
Ethical, ESG and Impact Investing
Class 7:
ESG Reporting I: Managing Materiality
Class 8:
ESG Reporting II: : Taxonomies, Risk Assessment Models and Reporting Frameworks
Class 9:
Climate Finance in Emerging Markets: Policies and Mechanisms
Class 10:
Future trends and opportunities in Sustainable Finance
Eventualmente la Universidad puede verse obligada, por causas de fuerza mayor a cambiar sus profesores o cancelar el programa. En este caso el participante podrá optar por la devolución de su dinero o reinvertirlo en otro curso de Educación Continua que se ofrezca en ese momento, asumiendo la diferencia si la hubiere.
La apertura y desarrollo del programa estará sujeto al número de inscritos. El Departamento/Facultad (Unidad académica que ofrece el curso) de la Universidad de los Andes se reserva el derecho de admisión dependiendo del perfil académico de los aspirantes.